One Down ...
Sorry about the lack of posts this last week or so - I've been lazy. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Two Saturdays ago we headed out to South Bank for Oktoberfest. It was a long day of German beer and German food, but thankfully the weather was nice and the music was loud. Another American has joined our group - Gene. He's from Dallas, Texas and will be here for a year. We've also picked up a POM (Englishman) too. He wasn't quite able to keep up with us on Saturday as he passed out on the table and had to be escorted out!
This past Friday was Oranit's (OP) last day of work. We can a day-long bbq for her on Saturday where we all ate, drank, and played hacky-sack all day/night long. OP flew out on Sunday morning and is finally back home with her dog (& husband) after three months away.
Jeff, Joe & I are heading down to the Gold Coast this weekend to learn how to surf. Should be interesting. Will write about it next week to let you know if I was actually able to ride some waves.
Good luck surfing... don't drown or hurt yourself.
i can't believe you'd think i would get hurt ... i'm the safest person that i know
I have seen you "casted" several times. I am just trying to look out for you because I am thinking Hawaii would be much more fun 100% able bodied... that's just me though. Have fun! Only 43 days until you see us for the Illini vs. Arizona game... and we get to give Lute Olson (hate him with the fire of 1,000 suns) our evil death stare. Okay, so pretty much impossible for Nik and I to have evil death stares, we can't even come up with "we are mean and biatchy, don't bother us" looks, but we can at least boo and make fun of his helmet hair!
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